Monday, April 26, 2010

Going Down in Flames

Well, this episode was quite interesting as well. It might be interesting to see where this might go in the future. The Villains did not take their camp with them this time, but they did have a merge. I think they might have had time to get their stuff later, if they could get it, but anyway… I went into this episode thinking that I would know what would happen. I thought for sure that Russell would be able to somehow convince the Heroes that he was on their side and be ready to start attacking Parvati’s “girl’s alliance” starting with Sandra, who was with Courtney. Actually, by the way, I think that the Villains just went to the Heroes tribe and they went to the challenge later. That was when they decided on the name of “Yin Yang,” which could be disagreed upon to a degree. Anyway, on with the one-sided discussion, it probably shouldn’t have the “di-” prefix, but anyway… I was a bit surprised about how easily they bought into it, trust is a good thing, but not to that degree, especially with someone who hasn’t been the most trustworthy before, especially in Survivor. Well, J.T. thought that Russell did try and use the hidden immunity idol against Parvati, but she had a hidden immunity idol herself, which got rid of both of the hidden immunity idols. Well, Russell had one and Parvati also kept one for herself, but kept it secret from Russell, in case she would ever have to use it. J.T. was right in that they both had Hidden Immunity Idols, but neither of them had used them, yet. The challenge was interesting in that multiple people gave up the challenge near the end. Parvati gave it up when Danielle reminded Parvati that she had the hidden immunity idol, I know that could have been a bit ambiguous, but I’m hoping you remember what you read a few words previously. So, the Heroes weren’t sure if they could trust Russell, so they would vote for one person and say that they were voting for another, but it wouldn’t be Russell, if they could trust him. It would have been better when the numbers were more even, but yeah. Russell gave his idol to Parvati because he didn’t know about her idol that she had kept secret from him. The Heroes had decided to try and vote out Jerri because she was the least likely to have an idol, but Parvati, in a shocking move gave idols to both Sandra and Jerri, who were previously were on the outside of the tribe. This ended up sending J.T. to the jury. Russell didn’t like this because he was angry about losing the feeling of control. Is Parvati forming a girl’s alliance or not? I have no idea!

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