Sunday, December 6, 2009

Survivor Posts are back up

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It is time once again for me to start blogging about Survivor. In this post, I will talk about the three episodes I did not post when they came up. I will not talk about this weeks' episode yet because I was engrossed in the Oregon Trail. I will save this for next week as well as the episode that will be next week. These posts will not come until the weekend, for reasons I will not tell. Anyway, on to the episodes.

The merge finally happened with Galu having twice as many people as Foa Foa. It ended with 3 blindsides removing people from Galu.

First episode of the merge, Russell started to plant his seeds, his "Russell Seeds" if you remember. He did not win over many of the Foa Foa, but he did get Shambo, who you could say was already on their side, and John to some degree. I noticed something just then, Shambo has a grudge on Laura for some reason. In addition, it turned out that none of my family members liked Laura either. I didn't really know much about her and didn't think that she was that bad. Anyway, Shambo really wanted her to be voted out and tried to get Russell to vote her out, because he didn't like her either. So when Laura got the immunity idol, Shambo became sad and possibly angry. Okay, normally you would expect them to try and vote out a Foa Foa, right? Wrong. Well, you saw that I said all the people were Galu, so... yeah. Laura convinced everyone, or almost everyone, to vote for Dave, saying that he was bad. Russell and Dave both had hidden immunity idols. Russell played his, Dave didn't. Dave became sad when he was voted out because he thought that he was perfectly safe. In addition, when Dave came in as the first member of the jury, one of the Galu members said, "We don't want another Dave" right in front of him.

Next episode. Russell has used his hidden immunity, so they thought it was a good idea to take him out this time. However, when Russell didn't win the reward challenge, it gave him an oppurtunity to search for the idol. He found it, as some people would expect. In addition, like last time, Laura got the immunity idol, which, like last time, changed who they were going to vote for. Foa Foa decided that they were going to vote for Kelly this time because her anonymity could be dangerous. I didn't really understand how this could be true, but then I thought of Suzie from either one season before or two seasons before. She remained relatively anonymous and made it to the final three. Anyway, I think you know how it went, every Galu member voted for Russell, he pulled out the idol, jaws dropped, and Kelly went home. However, you know something that was really bad about this, they were saying that maybe they should distribute their votes in case Russell had somehow gotten the idol. They had the chance, but they underestimated him.

Now, the third episode. One really funny thing that happened in this episode was the reward challenge. For the challenge, they broke up into two groups. One person was on this piece of wood in the shape of a rectangular prism suspended over 18 small flags. They were supossed to get the flags in order and place them in another spot. They had to get to the flags by the rest of the team mates helping to manuever the piece of wood to get at them. The group with Natalie, which included Russell, won. The funny part was the way they were positioned. John was just on it. He had to get in closer to reach. Natalie, on the other hand, was much further off the edge and, eventually, if her legs weren't holding her, she would have fallen off. I did not take a picture of this, so I made a very hasty illustration, as shown below.

The illustration is deplorable and John's head is not that large but you get the picture. The other funny thing is when they were searching for the idol. Russell had the clue, so he immediately went off with Jaison to go look for it. As soon as they left, Laura and Eric, I think, went after them to try and find it as well. At one point, Russell starts running and Eric starts chasing him. After he loses him and Laura follows Eric looking for him Russell loops back and finds the idol. At this point, my view of Russell changed somewhat. I still don't like him, but I do respect him. One thing for sure, he is great at finding hidden immunity idols. This time, they knew Russell had the idol, so they were going to try and get rid of Natalie. They originally planned to have Monica say that they were voting for John because Shambo was going to vote for Laura no matter what. John wasn't briefed on this, so he struck up a deal that if he votes for Laura, they vote out a Foa Foa member next time. They planned on making a tie, so it was a random decision who was voted out. John wasn't risking it, so he changed his vote after the tie. That probably won't be the best for him next time.

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