Saturday, December 19, 2009

Two Brains are Better than One

You may be getting tired of my Survivor posts, but luckily for you, the season is almost over, when that happens I will start focusing a bit more on other topics, other ones which I repeat so much you will get tired of them, but regardless, this is the last episode before the finale. Unfortunately, I will not be watching the finale this week, so the post won't come up until after break, so don't tell me who wins or who gets voted out or the various intricacies of the episode, I don't want it SPOILED!

Anyway, this episode was interesting. The unthinkable happened, one of the Foa Foa 4 became friends with Brett, it's Natalie. The friendship started when Brett quoted Ecclesiastes 3:16-19 (I remember random things, okay?) They discovered they had similar interests and a bond began to form. Anyway, this bond became apparent to the rest of Foa Foa when Natalie picked Brett first as a teammate for a reward challenge. The challenge was to remove ropes from the net holding up coconuts without causing any coconuts to fall. Originally, Natalie's team went through and only 4 coconuts fell, while Russell's team hit about 50 coconuts, half the amount they needed to lose. All of a sudden, however Natalie accidentally caused about 40 coconuts to fall. Eventually, Russell's team won the reward that usually comes near the end, a visit to a settlement in the area, this was fortunate for Shambo because she wanted this part of the reward the whole time, and for Jaison, who had never won reward before.

Natalie, Brett, and Mick didn't win the reward, so they decided to do something else, make their own reward. All six people had a day of relaxation that day and were ready to pick it up again the next day.
When Russell got back, as expected, he questioned Natalie about Brett, she said that they were friends, but she was still loyal to the alliance. I believe her now, but in a day or two, that could change...
The challenge was interesting, they were supposed to memorize how many of each kind of things were in each group, but it was different for each group, I'm assuming it was the order because they were all looking at the same thing, they had to memorize this while Jeff was goading them and talking about how this would alter what would happen at Tribal Council. Brett won, again, but it didn't seem like he would, he was going very slowly at first, but then picked it up and eventually won.
After the challenge, Russell's snakelike nature was revealed, when Shambo asked if they were going for her, he said no, they were going for Mick, and when he was talking to Mick, he started talking about how Shambo was irritating and her breath was bad, it was odd. He said that he was undecided, but he eventually went with Shambo, who was voted out.
I can't say much else, except that I'm not sure I care who wins anymore, as long as it's not Russell.

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