Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Puppet Master

This will be the start of me talking about the newest Survivor which takes place on Samoa. If you do not know the rules of Survivor, check http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Survivor_(TV_series). This time there are 20 people and I Survivor, they say “1 Survivor” in the intro, but 1 looks like “I”. Anyway, it seems that every season, there is some person who is mean, rude, or has a bad attitude in general. Somehow this person survives until the merge, and then they have slight control over the outcome. I am convinced that the person this time is Russell, there are two Russells by the way, I will refer to the Russell in Galu Tribe as Good Russell and the other, on Foa Foa, as Bad Russell. Early on, they had to decide who would be leader based on first impressions, without talking. Good Russell was chosen for Galu and Mick was chosen for Foa Foa. Immediately afterwards, the leaders had to choose who they thought was the best swimmer, the strongest, the most agile, and the most intelligent. First, the best swimmer had to get a key from a buoy somewhat off shore. Next, the strongest had to carry two large bundles of wood in front of a balance beam to act like steps. The most agile then had to climb on it and, while laying on it, had to inch along and maneuver the key through a rope on it. This key would be given to the smartest, who would unlock a set of puzzle pieces and assemble a man. Foa Foa won this and received flint as a reward. In this, I noticed that Good Russell said that everyone did their best, which makes me think he’s a motivational leader. Bad Russell was being rude, scheming, and venomous. My mother called him “Evil Incarnate.” He went out and formed alliances with 3 girls whom he viewed as not very intelligent and easy to manipulate. He also got another girl named Betsy, whom he viewed as more intelligent. She formed an alliance, but she did not trust him. This is well founded, because he tried to tell a story about how he was in the flood when the levee in New Orleans broke due to Hurricane Katrina, he used an axe he had as a fireman to get out and was on the roof for two days. He also said that his German shepherd, Rocky, drowned. For those of you who think this story is a lie, you are correct. It was all a ploy to get sympathy. You could just tell in the way he said it that he was lying. Also, that same night, while everyone was sleeping, he snuck out, drained the water from everyone’s canteens, and burned Jaison’s socks. He said that he would just sit back and watch them tear themselves apart. He said, I quote “I’m not in this for the money, I just want to show everyone how easy it is to win this game.” Before I talk about the immunity challenge, I will bring up something funny that happened in Galu. Something was being built, I don’t know what , and a Rocket Scientist named John, yes he actually is a Rocket Scientist, suggested that the tribe place things like the wind into factor while building it. At least some of the others thought he was being too technical and just building it now was the best way to do it. As for me, I think at least some planning and risk assessment is necessary. For the immunity challenge, six people had to run across 3 A-frames, like large wooden triangles, and at the end, use them to pull a crate. This crate would be taken apart and its pieces would be assembled to say “Without Victory there is no Survival.” One semi-notable thing that happened was that Yasmin of the Galu tribe could not climb up one of the A-frames, so the group had to go back and pull her up. In the end, Galu won, received Immunity, which looks like an ungulate skull in front of a wooden square on a staff, and some flint. After the immunity challenge, Marisa said she was a bit worried about Bad Russell because she saw him with the other girls. She was starting to suspect his true treachery. He viewed this as a confrontation, called himself “The Puppet Master,” and pulled some strings to get her voted out and cover his tracks. It always seems like the first ones to get voted off either are viewed as weak, or are going against the strategist who has made connections with many people in the tribe.
P.S. For some reason, whenever Marisa got a vote, it looked like she had an inquisitive look on her face.
P.P.S. For those of you who wonder why I am using different colored words, I am doing it FOR EMPHASIS.

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