Saturday, October 3, 2009

It's Called a Russell Seed

As you know from the title, "Bad Russell" was at it again. After his handywork got Marisa and Betsy voted out, he wants to keep Ben in the game for physical challenges. Why would he want to keep that lizard-eating bartender who is a general nuisance around camp and says that the women shouldn't use the iPhone-like flint because he's afraid they'll waste it. Both of those statments are completely true by the way, he has caught 2 small lizards and roasted them like marshmallows, and yes, the flint did look like the side of an iPhone the way it was angled. He does do some things in the challenges, but how are you going to participate if you're kicked out? (That didn't happen to him this time, by the way.) We'll get back to him later, on to Shambo.
Shambo is very practical, so she was complaining when "the 90201 clique," 4 members of the Galu tribe, was doing yoga first thing in the morning when there was work to be done. While she does have a point, she could be less crabby about it, but it is early morning, some people just may not be morning people. Shambo was chosen to observe Foa Foa this time and found that she liked them more because they were closer to her age and did not do yoga first thing in the morning. Shambo was looking for the hidden immunity idol which Russell took. She was looking in the right spot and was really searching. Imagine someone halfway in the hole of a tree, nothing showing above this person's hip , and everyone else pays that person no mind, just like they weren't there.

Now that Shambo's story has been told, back to Russell. I will start referring to "Bad Russell" as Russell because Russell was not brought up as much, but he went into another rant about how he's so great, how it's so easy to win the game, and how it's so easy to manipulate everyone. Have you ever heard of character flaws, well here's Russell's:

Hubris (hu⋅bris) 
excessive pride or self-confidence; arrogance.

There's someone else who had hubris, Odysseus. Well, Russell, you are not like Odysseus. You may be strong, and you may have sheep to hide under when the cyclops comes to eat you, the hidden immunity idol, but you don't have Circe to tell you what awaits on your journey. Oh, when the time comes, you will be swallowed up by Scylla. You may have your immunity, but you have to know when to play it. You will be so overconfident you won't know when the votes are coming.
Russell tried to get Ashley voted out, but Ben got himself voted out. WOOHOO!!! Anyway, something Ben said earlier came back to bite him. Jaison took offense at Ben's comment about Yasmin and wanted to vote him out. Jaison even said that if Ben wouldn't be going home that night, he, Jaison, would. Jaison and Ben bickered a few times during tribal council and that eventually swayed the others. They were too busy focusing on Ben to think about Ashley. Everyone voted for Ben, even Russell. Ben said that he wished that everyone would have a bad night except for Russell, he thought that Russell wouldn't have been one of the people to vote for him, but he did.

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