Friday, October 30, 2009

"The Bag of Winds" or "Why did those fools do that!?"

Continuing after Odysseus' dooming act of hubris, he went to the island of Aeolus. Aeolus liked Odysseus and wanted him to return home, so he gave Odysseus the winds. He was somehow able to make uneven heating all over the world into matter and sealed it into a bag large enough to hold a lot of gold at the most. Anyway, he let out a little of the West wind so Odysseus would be able to get home to Ithaca and gave him the rest of the winds.

Unfortunately, his group members started to wonder what was in that bag that Odysseus had by him for the last week or so, he made pretty nice time without the other winds interfering. The crewmembers thought it was gold and Odysseus wouldn’t tell them what was in it, so a crewmember opened up the bag and wind all of a sudden came blasting out and they were blown way off course.

What were those fools doing!? Ithaca was in sight and they open up some suspicious leather bag after there was good wind for a long time. They should have at least asked Odysseus before opening it! Then again, if Odysseus told them what was really in it, their might be mixed reactions. There was never a ban on telling them as far as I know. They really should have talked about it. It’s their fault!

I think Odysseus might have done some ship switching after that, in case anything bad might have happened. However, I somewhat doubt this. Anyway, what happened next really made some people wish they hadn’t opened the bag.

Imagine this. You slowly sail for the island of the Laestrygonians. Your captain asks you to go ashore. You spot a tall girl and ask her where the palace is she points the way to a very large palace. You go inside and see the queen, but she is a giant, scale-wise. Then, she rushes out to get her husband the king. Suddenly, he rushes in and immediately hoists up and devours one of your friends. You quickly run away back to your ship. You try and sail away, but you notice that all the other Laestrygonians are tossing rocks at the ships. One goes down. Another sinks into the abyss. You look up, see a rock headed right at you, and all is dark.

Only one ship survived those gigantic cannibals. You guessed it, Odysseus’ ship. What kind of story would it be if they killed off the main character like that? Anyway, wouldn’t it be kind of weird if you found out that a ghost was telling you a story…

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