Sunday, November 1, 2009


My multi-draft essay for AP Lang’s topic is procrastination. This will not be a reiteration of my essay nor will it be added to my essay. Now that that’s out of the way…

We all have to deal with school projects, projects that you do a lot of research for ahead of time, but don’t do the write up a little bit before the due date. The author study would be an example of this.

On these projects, you get cocky. You feel that you know everything about it and write everything up, but you do a poor job. You don’t find out how poorly you did until you ask someone to help you with last minute revisions.

As soon as they are done reading it, they call it a piece of crap and you have to work much longer on it than you originally thought you would need to. Eventually, it’s late, you’re tired and you wish you had finished it earlier. In addition, you have some additional homework to do as well…

If this incident or any other similar to it teaches you a lesson, which it probably would, it would be that you shouldn’t get cocky about homework. It will probably take longer than you think.

Instead of giving your group members meaningful final edits to their multi-draft essays, you give them shoddy corrections and instead of the blog post you were planning on doing, you have to churn up a bad one about procrastination instead of doing one you really want to.

Wait, you think this post is about me? Um…. whatever made you think that?
I need to go right now. Bye!

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