Sunday, January 10, 2010

Survivor Finale (I forgot the name)

Now, after much procrastination, it is time to write about the Survivor Finale. The first reason is that we went on a trip and had to wait until the 29th to watch it, second, I am having problems thinking of ideas in the first place, which I, unfortunately, seem to be alone in, and, third, I procrastinated. So, I won’t remember everything, but I’ll try my best with what I do remember.

First off, in case you forgot, the finale begun with Brett, Jaison, Mick, Natalie, and Russell, in alphabetical order, of course. The first thing that I remember was a puzzle challenge, the 5 survivors were supposed to run to one end, run back, then assemble a puzzle, it seemed a lot like one of the Foa Foa was going to win, but Brett, once again, came out from the middle of nowhere and won the challenge, which meant one of the Foa Foa Four was finally going, of course, Russell mad the decision as to who it was. He told Mick that they should vote of Jaison and told Jaison that they should vote off Mick. At Tribal Council they both talked about voting in ways that would save them and get the other voted out. Eventually, they voted out Jaison because Mick had a better chance of beating Brett.

Before the next challenge, Russell did something surprising; he made a promise to Brett that he wouldn’t vote him out if something happened, and it did happen. However, what is not surprising is how Russell dealt with it. Apparently, a promise isn’t as binding to Russell as it is to others, like his promise to John, he broke it. Actually, it could just have something to do with them being Galu because he kept his promise to Natalie by keeping her in the game for this long. Anyway, the final challenge was the obligatory endurance challenge. Russell won that challenge and, as expected, voted out Brett. I was kind of glad that Brett was voted out because this way, it’s harder to guess which way the vote would go.

On the final day, Russell was so confident that he was going to win. He was just being lazy, sitting around, and saying that if Mick/Natalie does well enough s/he could get 2nd place. Russell’s hubris shows itself again. On a side note, people kept on calling Dave “Dave Ball,” no offense to Dave, but we thought it was a nickname, partially because no one really uses last names in Survivor, but anyway… Russell’s main argument was that he played the game well, and the other two didn’t really play it. However, someone, I think Dave, brought up that Natalie’s strategy worked just as well as Russell’s. Two funny things happened with the questions. First, Shambo said that she described Mick’s playing style as “feckless.” I looked it up, but I forgot what it meant, so sorry. The other was Brett asking Mick about a “Bro Day,” he started off by calling it a date between guys, but said it was just friendly, but the way it came off, and Mick doesn’t really know Brett that much…

Finally, the votes were counted, Russell was so keen on winning, and when he didn’t, while everybody was talking, we could see him on camera skulking. There are three more things to say. First, apparently Jaison found out about his socks, so Russell brought a pair of socks and asked Jaison if he wanted them and then threw them in the fire. They then took a commercial break, probably to fish the socks out. Second, Russell is apparently only like this in the game. However, his reputation will precede him for those he doesn’t know, he may have more problems getting trust. Third, there is the 20th season coming up on February 22nd called Heroes and Villains. You’ll get to see this 3rd term.

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