Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Damage Control

This episode was different than I expected, there were two tribal councils in this one, no reward challenges and two immunity challenges. It seems like a lot of things have gone by in Survivor so far, and I'll be looking forward to seeing who wins. I think that it may reach the point where Russell wins. If he does, I will not be as sad as I thought I would have at the beginning, I still don't like Russell that much, but I do think he has a nice strategy, it seems to have worked so far. However, if he's not careful, he could get voted out soon.

Anyway, I don't remember much about the immunity challenge, but I do remember that it was a bowling tournament, and Jaison won it, so he got immunity.

I had forgotten quite a few of the details so I refreshed my memory in order to tell everything that needed to be told. Apparently, when Shambo questioned Russell when John was voted out, and he told her that John was going after her and that this time they would vote out Dave. John was never going after Shambo, but Monica was considering it at this Tribal Council, but they eventually decided to vote out Dave.
Normally, when people come back for the jury, there is a visible difference. They are able to have a change in clothes, are able to wash up, and are able to get a haircut if they want to. However, a negative change in hairstyle can change all this...
Anyway, on with the post.
I don't really remember the immunity challenge, because it wasn't very memorable. I just know that they had troubles getting the bags in the boxes.
Now, at this point there is little competition from the three remaining Galu members, Shambo is effectively a Foa Foa, so the only votes would be for Brett or Monica, if they don't vote for Foa Foa. Monica's the biggr threat, so they're going to try to vote her out. Monica, however, won't go out without a fight.
She said something that could really bring Russell down, his income. Russell said that the reason he played this game was to show people how easy it was to win it. Now, if he wins, he says that that will prove his point. If they find out that he makes more money than the prize money annually, it might decrease the amount of jury votes for him. In addition, she became crazed and said a bunch of things that may affect votes and possibly changed some votes. Russell got his way and Monica was voted out.
Some thing about this that could work against Russell is that Monica will now have access to the rest of the jury a lot more than he will. She could tell them then, because she didn't tall them in tribal council.
Amazing how this has played out, Foa Foa came into the merge with only 4 people and they don't get anyone voted out until the final episode, unless they have the jury vote at final 4, they have to have a Foa Foa on the jury. The only Galu that are left are someone who sided with the Foa Foa and someone who didn't stir up much trouble.
I do know one thing, Brett is probably going next. With a jury almost entirely composed of Galu, and Brett not doing much to help the Foa Foa or anger the Galu, so most of the Galu would probably vote for him.

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