Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Off with their Heads

I know this post is almost two weeks late, but I choose to blame this on having a hard week and the modem failing. In addition, this post won't be the best because I was working on an extra credit assignment and only got parts of it, but I did watch Tribal Council.
By the way, a correction from last time. My memory failed me and I thought Dave was voted out, it was actually Eric.
Anyway, one thing I do know is that they had a usual challenge, the auction. I don't remember much of what was done, but I do know that Jaison bid all of his money on a benefit in the immunity challenge. Everyone else spent their money on food, if there was anything else of importance. Eventually, Jaison won the challenge, thanks to his advantage.
The main events that I do know about were the events leading up to tribal. I know that they decided to cook the chickens that Galu had a while ago, which made Shambo sad, and when Dave critiqued her cooking, it made hr angry, so she wanted to vote him out next. Russell said that they would, but as you'll find out, that did not happen the way Shambo planned. One other thing I didn't see, I heard that Shambo claimed that she had a dream about Tribal Council. She said everyone voted out Dave. She thought it was clairvoyance and that was another reason she talked to Russell.
In addition, another plan was unfolding, Russell made a promise to John that if he voted for Laura, then they would vote out an old Foa Foa member. However, Russell did not want an old Foa Foa member to be votead d out. This problem would be easily alleviated by eliminating the only one who agreed, John. In addition, John found out that Russell had the hidden immunity idol, so he had to go. It was easy for Russell to guarantee votes from the old Foa Foa tribe. If you thought it was hard to get Galu votes, you would be wrong. Russell was not only able to use the fact that John voted out Laura against him, he was also able to use something that happened in the auction against him. When John won something, he had the option to give up his food for 4 other people to have that food, not including himself. John declined, he said that he hoped that the others would understand, apparently they didn't.
So, everybody was voting for John, except for Shambo, who still didn't know and voted for Dave, and John, who voted for Mick. Shambo seemed awfully smug, thinking that Dave was going home and thought it would be no surprise to anyone that he was. She was surprised when this ended up not being true.
So, this brings an end to this post, I'll try and do better on the final episode.

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