Sunday, March 14, 2010

Knights of the Round Table

Well, this episode was very interesting. Once again, the Villains won a puzzle challenge, despite the lead the Heroes had, and, once again, someone from the Heroes tribe was sent home, Tom. Well, while this does show that the Heroes aren’t as good at puzzles, there is definitely a reason for this. There are two potential reasons for this that I can think of, and I think it may be a combination of these. The first: The individual members of the Heroes are bad at puzzles. This could be true, but I don’t think this is true because some definitely seem to know what they are doing. The other idea is that they are bad at working together. Whenever the Villains do puzzles, Rob takes the central role and starts telling everyone where to put the pieces. This has helped to maintain their win. The Heroes tribe is divided into two groups of alliances and no one steps up as the leader in these challenges. As we know with the Articles of Confederation, if a country has too weak of a central government, it can not function. The Heroes have troubles winning these challenges because they don’t have a leader, so people keep getting voted off. The more they lose challenges, the further they will be pushed apart, preventing them from finding a leader, creating a vicious cycle. Now, according to this theory, Rob is what keeps the Villains united and winning challenges. Well, Russell is on the outside of the tribe because he found the hidden immunity idol. It’s likely that he’ll be voted out next time to eliminate this. Now, something could turn this around. Russell is planning on voting out Rob because he feels that Rob is a threat. In addition, he already has Parvati on his side and he recently recruited Coach as well. Now, because they have the idol, it is likely that they will split the vote if they try and take Russell out, probably between him and Parvati. If they give more votes toward one of them and the person who got more votes uses the idol, Rob will be voted out. If it is split, they will go into a tie no matter what, and one of the people with a split vote on Russell’s side will be voted out, if the person with more votes in the split doesn’t get the idol, they are voted out. It would be pretty risky for them to do it now, but it could be a good idea. If they do this, though, it could cripple the Villains tribe according to my theory.

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