Thursday, April 8, 2010

Banana Etiquette

Well, there was a big upset on the Villains tribe vote this year, but the Heroes still did not win against the Villains. The only reason that the Villains went to tribal council was that tonight, both members had to vote someone out. In the challenge the Heroes and Villains each competed against their own numbers for individual immunity, then the winners competed in a more complex challenge to win the reward for the rest of the tribe. The reward was getting to eat food while watching the other tribe’s Tribal Council. There wasn’t as much going on for Heroes because Colby specifically said that he’s not going to “scramble” and neither is James, so they’ll just let them decide who to vote for without any influence. As you could guess, the vote was between Colby and James. Colby had become apathetic while James had a leg injury and he was apparently “a drain on resources” because he eats a bunch of bananas. Apparently, whenever he wants to take a banana, he is supposed to ask everyone else if they want one as well. This is a little ridiculous and James brought it up during Tribal Council while the Villains were listening in and they laughed as a result. By the way, only one person said this, not a group of people and James was the one who was eventually voted out. Anyway, while there was no scrambling with the Heroes, there was scrambling for the villains. Russell wanted to vote out Rob, and would have had the chance to vote him out, had Rob not won the challenge. But he did, so they decided to try and vote out Tyson instead. Rob had some clever planning and did try and split up the vote between Russell and Parvati, so one would go home regardless. But, when this happened, Russell was able to use it against them. Russell convinced people, Tyson, at least, to vote for Parvati, so Russell would only have two votes for himself. Then, it looked like he was going to play the idol for himself, but he handed it to Parvati and got Tyson voted out. I can’t comment about what I think will happen next because I already know what will happen next…

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